How To Start A SaaS Business in 7 Steps

How to Create and Launch Your First Software Idea

by moin moin

Author: Stefano Stephen

SaaS – Software As A Service – is the process of delivering software services to businesses or individuals via the internet.

There are so many SaaS businesses that are making waves in the world today. They include Uber, DocuSign, Netflix, etc.

Before the evolution of high-speed internet, purchasing and installing software are very hectic, especially for non-techies and companies. You had to go out and buy floppy disks, later CDs, then install the software on every (one after the other) computer that needed to use it. 

Until now, everything has changed. You can now access software from several computers or networks without installing it on your device. 

1. Find a Problem

The first thing you should consider is the kind of problem you want your software to solve. 

Before deciding on getting your software to the market, you must ensure it solves a problem or makes a particular task easier for people to execute. 


2. How to Get Ideas for Your SAAS Business

If you have no idea of what to build, you can brainstorm ideas from existing software. Below are a couple of websites you can check for SaaS startups: 


You may enhance existing ideas or brainstorm something new around it.

3. Document Your Idea

After coming up with an idea, you need to think about your users’ journey and how you want the interface to look. You can sketch your framework using any of the programs below: 

  • Photoshop CC
  • Clip Studio Paint
  • Krita
  • Procreate

4. Hire a UX Designer

When your drawing is ready, the next stage is to hire a design expert to bring your ideas to life. 

You will need to hire a brilliant UX Designer. The work of the designer is to help you design the interface (look) of the software. No one wants to browse an ugly or confusing software interface.

Therefore, your designer must ensure the design is beautiful and user-oriented. You can find a professional designer on Upwork or Fiverr.


5. Hire a Developer

You have to be careful at this stage, especially if you don’t know anything or you are new to programming/software development.

Hiring a developer might be cunning, but if you hire the right person, you might be on your way to financial freedom. 

On the other hand, if you hire a bad developer, you will understand the reason why several SaaS projects never see the light of the day. 

When hiring a developer, you have two basic options:

  • Hire expensive developer(s) from Europe and the US 
  • Hire budget-friendly developers (but no less talented) from India, Nigeria, or the Philippines. 

Nevertheless, a developer’s location has nothing to do with the quality of job you should expect. But for smooth communication, you may consider hiring someone within your time zone. 

You can get a great developer from Upwork. However, ensure they are working independently and not some group that outsources project to another developer or firm. To be on the safer side, request for a video interview, and work samples. 


6. Find Beta Testers

Remember, your primary aim is to create a problem-solving system. Before launching your software for public use, you need real-life users (Beta Testers) to test it and decide if it’s working efficiently or not. 

Here are a few websites where you can hire testers for your SaaS project: 

7. Launch Your SaaS Application 

Hiring a developer and designers are not the only money and time-consuming process of creating a software, you need to have good hosting budget and marketing costs. 

Ideally, you can start with a basic hosting plan and upgrade as your user/customer increases. 


This article has shed light on how to start a SaaS business especially if you are a non-techie. If your idea is brilliant and you get the hiring and the execution process right, you might hit a jackpot, and never have to worry about money again. 



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