How to Create a Successful Shopify Store in 2022

Earn money with online store!

by moin moin

Author: Harvey Specter

Starting a Shopify dropshipping store is a great way for entrepreneurs to get started with eCommerce business. Buying a product, storing inventory, and managing it, is a lot of process. However, using the Shopify platform to set up a dropshipping store can be an easy way to develop it without worrying about development, management and inventory

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a business model that allows you to sell physical products without having them in stock. In other words, you do not need to own a warehouse, inventory, or ship goods yourself. All you have to do is to add the supplier’s product to your store, promote it, and begin receiving orders.

What is Shopify, and How Does it Work?

Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that helps brands and solo entrepreneurs to easily create online stores without any technical knowledge. Shopify is simple to use. You don’t need any special skills to run your store, even if you have never used a website builder before. 


The platform is also ideal for sellers who want to open an online store without investing a lot of money or time in building or customer base management.

Shopify Account Registration

Creating an account for your store on the shopping platform Shopify is a simple and fast process. To get started;

  1. Go to Shopify home page
  2. Type your email address in the designated area (We recommend creating a separate email for your store)
  3. Create a password for your account
  4. Enter the official name for your online store.
  5. Fill out a few questions about your eCommerce experience and personal details.

Creating Pages

You need to create pages for your customers to access the information they need on shipping, return policies, and your company’s history.


These are the page titles/menu you will need to run a successful Shopify website

  • About Us Page – About your company and what it does
  • A contact page for customers so they can stay in touch with you
  • A page for customers to track their orders
  • A page about the types of delivers
  • Terms of Service and Privacy Statement

Adding products to your store

Once you’ve created the pages of your Shopify store, you’ll need to add a collection of goods. Name this category according to the type of products you’ll be selling. 

To do this, you should install an application that automates the process of online shopping. We recommend Oberlo or Dsers in this regard.


The apps’ main benefit is that you don’t have to manually import products to your store, just insert a link to the product from e.g., Aliexpress, then change the name, and description, set your prices, and select an image. With a few clicks, the product will be added to your store. However, we recommend importing 5 – 20 products and highlighting the best 1 – 3 of them.

Payment system

This is an important step to receiving money from future customers. To add a payment method, go to the “Settings” page, click the “Payments providers” button on the left, and fill out the form. Shopify accepts a variety of payment methods. You can choose the one that best meets your need.


Before you begin creating your store, you should have a rough idea of what you want to sell, then follow the steps discussed above. That’s how to create a successful dropshipping store on the Shopify platform in 2022.


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