How to Get Free and Discounted Products on Amazon

by moin moin

Author: Miles Smilezy

E-commerce business is one of the fastest-growing ventures in America. Both solo entrepreneurs and brands are beneficiaries of this industry growth. However, there is only one king, Amazon. Amazon is the largest online retail store in the United States, with over 40% market share. As a successful brand, Amazon gives out free items and unrivaled discounts especially to their paid members.

Today, we will be talking about how to easily get free and discounted offers on Amazon. 

1. Become a Vine reviewer

Have you ever heard of Amazon Vine? The Vine program is exclusive to Amazon users. The program allows users to gain access to free products or services in exchange for honest reviews. Most times, the products are usually new to the market, and reviews are needed to help the manufacturer or vendor optimize their target audience and improve on the products/services if need be. 


Being a reviewer or “Vine Voice” is not automatic, you will have to meet some criteria and be screened before approval.

How to Become a Vine Reviewer

If you writes honest and undiluted reviews about products or services and your “reviewer rank” is high enough in categories like gardening equipment or pet food, you are likely to be invited


2. Sign up for Audible Free Trial

Imagine chilling on a comfortable cushion chair with the hard copy of your favorite book in your hand and a voice reading it to you loud and clear… That was the feeling of having an Audible membership. Audible is a creative service that allows you to listen to your favorite book while on the go. You can signup for a trial on Amazon and gain exclusive access to two audiobooks. If you cancel your membership, you will still have access to the books. However, your free trial might be restricted to one free book if you are not an Amazon Prime member.  

3. Signup For Amazon Prime

Being an Amazon prime member comes with a lot of benefits. Part of which includes: access to free movies and television shows. You will be able to watch new and original content that are exclusively on the Amazon network. Being a member also allows you to enjoy unlimited streaming, Amazon Instant Video and many more. 

4. Check for Free Kindle E-books

If you are a book lover on a budget, you might be lucky with Amazon Kindle. No doubt, finding free books to read is like a chore. Luckily, Amazon is a generous brand with diverse free kindle books to choose from. Amazon kindle section is designed with several free books, and more are usually added every day. Ensure you make the best use of this service by checking for newly added books regularly. 


Please note that not every e-book on Amazon kindle is permanently free. Some of them are from new and upcoming authors and they are free for a limited time. To get access and enjoy all the goodies of Amazon Kindle, you will need an Amazon Prime or Kindle Unlimited subscription.


Apart from being the largest retail store in the United States, Amazon is one of the fast growing tech companies in America. They are known to offer tech services like cloud hosting, cloud storage, mass mailing services, etc. To enjoy their free offers and promotional deals, ensure you have an active Amazon Prime account, it makes it easier. 


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