Tesla’s Full Self-Driving Software to Have a Price Hike to $15,000

by moin moin

Author: Evelyne Connelly

Tesla’s buyers are now pressured to order the driver-assist feature or the “full self-driving” software until September 5 for $12,000. Otherwise, they have to check their budget because Tesla announced a price increase of $3,000. 

Therefore, the “full self-driving” software will have a mind-blowing price tag of $15,000.

Seems like fans already have enough of the continuous price hike, as it is not the first time that the cost has increased. The price of $15,000 is already considered five times the original price of $3,000, which was when the driver-assist feature was first introduced in 2018. 

Historically, Tesla has never been true to its announcement about the pricing of its products and features and always informs buyers about the price increase even before they launch. That said, it is not surprising that Tesla faced criticisms. 

The astonishing price hike of the full self-driving software

While the price hike on the driver-assist feature is controversial, the increase in cost has not been a secret for buyers. In fact, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has already said for years that the cost of the “full self-driving” software would increase periodically. 

Well, it happened, but fans think it is more than expected. Furthermore, some Tesla fans and owners believe that the feature can not be totally independent; Tesla still requires human participation to drive, despite the high-grade software technology.

Despite the fans’ uproar that the existing $12,000 price tag is already astonishing and too much, Tesla CEO Elon Musk thinks that it is “ridiculously cheap” because of the value the “full self-driving” software can offer the Tesla owners. 


He was not even afraid to tell people since he tweeted in May 2020 that the “full self-driving” software would probably be worth more than after approval. 

Interestingly, the driver-assist feature does not seem close to gaining regulatory approval. In particular, it is said that the software even has a deceptive practice,” which is the primary reason the approval is still far from reach. What makes it called a deceptive software is that it requires human participation, which contradicts the software’s name. 

More info about the “full self-driving” software

The software technology is about combining lane-keeping assist with adaptive cruise control. Primarily, the advantage of the feature is to effectively keep a car in a lane on a highway, which is quite contradictory to the name “full self-driving.” For this, Tesla said that it is the goal: operate the car in the street without human supervision. 

Simply, the “full self-driving” software is best described as Tesla’s future vision. However, the electronic automaker Tesla seems to be taking a lot of time to reach its goals. It even historically missed self-imposed deadlines and failed to meet the initial hype, just like other autonomous cars. 


From 2015 to this year, Elon Musk always says that the self-driving Tesla autos are only one or two years away. At the end of each year, Elon Musk failed to present that to spectators and buyers. Even after it is revealed, the software still requires a human driver and can only help with steering, braking, and acceleration. Thus, it does not make sense to describe it as “full self-driving.”

Regarding the price hike, the electric automaker, Tesla, announced that it is a cost of improvements on the software, such as left turns and smoothness. It is up to the buyers if they think that the increase is worth it, but it might be a good buy, eventually.


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